
一般社団法人 国際にほんご教育センター International Japanese Education Center


一般社団法人 国際にほんご教育センター活動内容

 昨今、日本国内のどこにおいても外国人の方々の働く姿が見られるようになりました。 私達は彼らが安心して働き、生活していくために、正しい日本語を学ぶ場を提供する責務があると考えます。実用的な日本語を習得することによって、日本人の文化、考え方、そして仕事をする喜びを感じて欲しいと願います。またそれらが彼らにとって、生涯かけがえのない大切な宝物になると信じています。

2018年6月吉日   理事長 鳴海 志伸

Greetings   June 1, 2018

 The International Japanese Education Center (IJEC) is a general incorporated association whose mission is to teach Japanese to foreign residents and thereby to make it possible for foreigners and Japanese to respect and help each other so as to grow together.
 One of the major reasons that we set up this business is that we would like many people to take the question “What is working for?” very seriously through Japanese language education.
  Japan is currently in a situation with problems like a declining birthrate, an aging population and labor shortage, while many young people are unable to find their purposes of life in work. Even when artificial intelligence and robots get to supplement labor shortage in the near future, knowledge and skills nurtured in working are the only things that help us to grow as human beings in any age.
  Nowadays, we see foreigners working everywhere in Japan. We believe that we have an obligation to provide them with places to learn proper Japanese, so that they can work and live comfortably here in Japan. We would also like them to learn the Japanese culture and the Japanese way of thinking and thereby feel the joy of doing work in Japan. We believe this will be their precious and irreplaceable treasure for the rest of their lives.
  We would like to express our sincere gratitude to many people both in Japan and overseas for their cooperation and encouragement. They gave us great support for the establishment of our business. Ours is the first regionally-based institution for Japanese language education here in the Tsugaru area of Aomori prefecture.
  We hope to make significant contributions to the spread of the Japanese language and culture to the world and also hope that our efforts will be understood and supported by as many people as possible, regardless of country, race or generation. To this end, we pledge to do our best and work faithfully to fulfill our responsibilities.

Chief Director Shinobu NARUMI

一般社団法人 国際にほんご教育センター


TEL 0172-38-7707

FAX 0172-38-5582